English Mastiff
December 27, 2017...Last show of the year Elora Gorge held in Kitchener. This was last show for our Koodo, who is semi-retired from the show ring with
great results and collection of the titles front of his name Grand Champion, Champion Knighterrant Koodo NorthernPaw and with this last BOB under the judge
Mrs.S.Barkey he get his last need it point to become Top 5 Mastiff in Canada (if I'm not mistaking). We are very proud of our boy and would like to thank to
Joanne & Dave Knighterrant Mastiffs for this opportunity to have Koodo as a member of our family. Our older boy leaving the show ring and our youngest one
Felix entering for the first time. Hopefully he will go in Koodo's paw a start Best Baby Puppy in Breed is awesome :)
December 11, 2017...We would like to welcome our new kid on the block Cool Felix Big-Boss Bohemia
(C.I.B. BIS BISS GCH CH Bruno Dolce Vita Bohemia x Alexis Big-Boss Bohemia) imported from Czech
Republic. Big thanks belong to his breeder Alena Zemanova "Big-Boss Bohemia Kennel" for let Felix join our
family. Felix is co-owned with Knighterrants Mastiffs and we both hope he will look up to his name:)
November 24.-26, 2017...Caledon Kennel Association dog show held in International Centre, Mississauga ON...We have New GRAND CHAMPION
Our crue Koodo, Stella and Atilla (owned by Ildiko & Anthony) attend to one of the last show of the year and did great both days under european judges from
Sweeden. We are very proud of our Koodo who finish the requierements to became Canadian Grand Champion...our first ! Our Stella get her first major point
toward to Canadian Champion title, with BOB over our Koodo and NorthernPaws Bentley Attila get best puppy in the breed congratulations to all! Well done !
November 10, 2017...Georgina KC dog show & Working Group limited held in Lindsay. First snow storm -17C and here we go. On the way to Lindsay. Due to weather
conditions we leave Stella home and this time Koodo had another partner in crime..berner Tina. We arrived just few minutes before Tina's ring time, but we make it !
Georgina KC...Judge : Ms.D.Morris 4(3-0-1-0)...Koodo (Specials only class) - Select Dog, NorthernPaws Bentley Attila (Junior Puppy Dog class) - 1st & BPIB
Working Group Limited...Judge : Mr.M.Gelinas 4(3-0-1-0)...Koodo (Specials only class) - Select Dog, NorthernPaws Bentley Attila (Junior Puppy Dog class) - 1st & BPIB
November 5, 2017...Credit Valley dog show held in Orangeville. Two shows i one day for Koodo, Stella and NorthernPaws Bentley Attila (Koodo x Agata pup) and how we did ?
Show #1...Judge : T.Nesbitt - Koodo (Specials only) BOB, Stella (12-18 months bitch) 1st, WB, BOW & BOS, Attila (Junior puppy dog) 1st, WD & BPIB
Show #2...Judge : W. Paquette - Koodo (Specials only) BOB, Stella (12-18 months bitch) 1st, WB, & BOS, Attila (Junior puppy dog) exusal..still puppy behavior
October 27, 2017...Trillium Fancier dog show held in Lindsay...Here we go again. Show marathon for our mastiffs.
This time only Koodo and Stella so they dont distract each strategie :) and looks like works.
Judge : Mr.T.Monk...Koodo BOB and Stella class 12-18 months 1st,WB and BOS. Koodo get 1 more point for his
Grand Champion title and for Stella is great practice. She is working on her Champion title. Congratulations well done !
October 21, 2017...Belleville KC dog show. Koodo and his sons Roman & Attila meet in
Belleville. Both pups look very nice and Roman defeted his father and take it all at 7 months of age.
Judge : Mrs.H.Glendinning...Koodo (specials only) SEL, NorthernPaws Bronte Roman 1st, WD,
BPIB & BOB and NorthernPaws Bentley Attila 2nd, RWD. Was very nice to see both pups in the
ring and Big Congratulation to Roman and his owner Anne. Way to start show road !
September 10, 2017...Canadian Mastiff National Specialty held in International Centre - Mississauga
Judge : Mr.Alberto Berrios (USA)
Even though we had very young crue this year we did not come home empty handed.
And which name is on the rossete for BEST BRACE At the National Specialty ?
Of course our super Agata with her daughter Sasha. Even you can see the age
difference their synchronized movement is just perfect. Our Team : Koodo, Sasha
- Bred by class 3th, Stella - 12-18 months 1st, Agata ehibition only. Congratulations to all the winners !
August 31, 2017...Happy FIRST Birthday to our litter "EM-S" (Silver GCh.Watchman's Redbarn's Brutus x BISS, BPISS Am/Can Ch.Agata MastineuM Vengo Veridas)
Year ago I was with Agata at Graham animal Hospital making big decision do the C-section now or wait since her progesteron level was still up and looks like was right decision
31 of August was perfect day and 14 healthy little mastiffs was sreaming for the moms milk. Happy Birthday to all "EM-S" baby boys : Steeler, Sherlock, Shakespeare, Sylvester,
Spyro, Samson and girls : Sasha, Stella, Steffi, Shiva, Scarlett, Sienna, Samantha, Storm and big thanks belong to their families for all the love and great homes
August 23, 2017...Happy 5th Birthday to Agata ! Where all this years dissapear? Our proud mom
of 24 pups and very succesfull show princess with attitude "looked me, I'm pretty and I know it !" is
getting her Birthday cake with No.5 on it. Happy Birthday Agata we know you love your new toy and
cake too. Little bit grey coming out but still full of energy and very playfull like a pup that is our Agata
August 10, 1017...Grey Bruce Owen Sound Dog show...our Mastiff crue Koodo, Stella, Sasha, Emilly, little Benik
and Attila (Ch.Knighterrant Koodo NorthernPaw x BISS, BPISS Am/Can Ch. Agata MastineuM Vengo Veridas)
continue the show road in hot Summer day. Emilly went just for trip, because she decidet she wont show
again and big thanks belong to Jen Bittner for handling our Koodo. Here are the results :
Show #1...Judge: Mrs.H.Langfeld...Koodo - BOB, Stella -1st,WB,BOS,BPIB, Sasha -1st,RWB and baby puppies NorthernPaws Bentley Attila- 1st, BBPIB and NorthernPaws Big Ben-2nd
Show #2...Judge: Dr.J.Reeve-Newson....Koodo - BOB, Stella -1st,WB,BOS,BPIB, Sasha -1st,RWB and babies NorthernPaws Bentley Attila- 1st, BBPIB and NorthernPaws Big Ben-2nd
2.-3.8.2017...Muskoka District KC dog show held in Bracebridge. Our Biggest star here was again the youngest member of our crew NorthernPaws Big Ben !
His first show and Best baby puppy in Breed and the second show Best Baby puppy in breed and in Group !Way to go little BIG BEN. We are so proud of you !
And rest of our team was disaster ! First show all of them get excussal for unable to examinate...they did not like the judge and back off from her, second show was
better. Koodo BOB and Sasha 1st,WB, BPIB and BOS. Practice made perfect and we need lots of it to be perfect:). We would like to thank to Jennifer Bittner for
handling our Koodo at the second show and not put up with his teens moods :) and of course judges Mr.S.Shields and Mrs.N.Tibben for awarding our Ben !
28.-30.7.2017...Busy summer looks like it...Limestone Kennel Club dog show in Kingston and big reunion NorthernPaws Mastiffs. On the first day only Sasha, Stella and NorthernPaws OscarKnighterrant "Baxter" were comepeting. kood has to stay home since Sasha was in season and in one car will be inpossible. For second day Sasha stayhome
and Koodo join the team since his daddy "Baxter" and some of his pups Queenie, Sherlock and Attila come as well. Our little Ben spose to come to Kingston too but he was not
feeling well. And how we did ? the most succesful was little Queenie 3x BBPIB and last day Best puppy in Group, Baxter BOS and BOB, Koodo BOS, Sasha RWB and BIPIB,
Stella 1st, Attila 1st and Sherlock 2nd. Baby puppies boys had more interrest in playing then showing...but for sure they get the crowd! Congratulations to all ! Awesome few days
July 23, 2017...Kars Dog Club show...a bit unplanned I attend to this dog show without any of my dogs but surrounded NorthernPaws pups and was my pleasure and honour to take them around the show ring. Thank you Dave and Joanne Swift for letting me show Baxter (NorthernPaws OscarKnighterrant) and Dave and Jennifer Gabriel to let me lead Sherlock (NorthernPaws BasilKnighterrant)on his first show. And here are the results: Baxter-BOB, Gem (Knighterrant Burried Treasure) -BOS and Queenie ( NorthernPaws Fantasitc Beast) handled by Megan Swift-Best Baby Puppy in breed. Congratulation to all!
July 20, 2017...Looks like summer is Birthday season in NorthernPaws...Happy Birthday Harley !
Our Harley, Koodo's grandmother is 5 years old today. Still happy healthy princess. Like to sleep...she is a mastiff :),
run around and of course cuddle. Happy Birthday Harley and many more to come ! Enjoy your cake
June 11, 2017...And another Birthday is here...Happy 6th Birthday Gia !!!
Our sweet Gia daughter of our Matysek, proud mom of 11 pups is 6 years old today. Time is going too fast.
Gia is still healthy, happy girl and so far not much white in her mask either. Just little bit:). Happy Birthday Gia
and we hope we will be able to make at least 10 more birthday cakes :)))
25.5.2017...Happy Birthday to our handsome boy KOODO !!! Year ago we bring home
little puppy and year later from that small puppy grow up big handsome boy and still growing :)
We would like to thank to his breders Knighterrant Mastiffs for letting Koodo join our
family. Happy Birthday Koodo and many more to come !!! Enjoy your cake and new toy, your
grandma Harley is proud of you and your grandpa Alston wantching over you from heaven :)
28.4-29.4.2017...We have NEW CANADIAN CHAMPION....Victoria County Kennel Club dog show held in Lindsay our youngsters bring home new title.
Knighterrant Koodo NorthernPaw can put Ch. front of his name and NorthernPaws Sasha is half way there. Sasha and Stella had busy day on Friday and Koodo
who finished requirements to become Canadian Champion at the first show on Friday continue showing rest of the weekend in the class Specials only. And results ?
Koodo 2xBOB, 2x BPIB and SELECT DOG 2 Champion points and 3 Grand Champion points, Sasha 2xBOS and Stella 2x2nd. Well done weekend !
We have puppies born April 5th
31.3-2.4.2017...Nickel District Kennel Club...FIRST SHOW WEEKEND this year Our young crue Koodo, Sasha, Stella and Emilly had some work to do.
Emilly never been at the dog show and she was very shy and confused...just to make her more comfortable she did not enter the ring and just stay with us both days.
Stella was not too confident either but she went around the show ring. I was a bit worry show Koodo with my broken finger. First day he was shown by Peter Scott
and second day I took over. And here are the results Koodo 4 x BOB and 8 points toward to Ch title and my risky business Sasha 3 x BOS and 3 points.
Congratulation to the winners and big thanks belong to Peter and my friend Ildiko
All copyright © NorthernPaws and HK Photo
September 2017...First puppy from litter "EM-S" NorthernPaws SHAKESPEARE croseed the Rainbow Bridge
we recieved very sad news about apricot boy Shakespeare (GCh.Watchman's Redbarn's Brutus x Am/Can Ch.Agata MastineuM Vengo Veridas). He get somehow loose,
run to the neighbor's and drowned in their swimming pool. They had only soft cover on it and gate to swimming pool was open. Is heartbraking, such a young puppy was
taken way too early. Shakespeare just turn 1 year on August 31. Big hug to his family, we are very sorry for your loss. R.I.P. Shakespeare baby blue boy !

August 30, 2017 ..."Benik Bubenik" our young puppy crossed Rainbow Bridge. Our sweet boy NorthernPaws Big Ben had over Summer few bad allergic reactions which affect his respiratory system,
he had to be put on oxygen the first time, second time was not so bad and third time, he get
pneumonia along wit allergic reaction. He was recovering from pneumonia but again allergic reaction
but this time fatal. We were rushing him to hospital but did not make it on time. Really heartbraking to
loose such a young puppy. We will love you forever baby boy...R.I.P Big Ben

December 4, 2017....Happy Birthday to our litter "EM-O"....Only one puppy born to our Sunshine MastineuM "Harley" &
Alston de Albis Rhapsody...NorthernPaws OscarKnighterrant "BAXTER", father of our Koodo is celebrating his 3th Birthday.
We would like to wish you very happy Birthday and many more to come and keep up to sire such a beutiful pups like Koodo is.
Thank you Joanne & Dave Knighterrant Mastiffs for laving this handsome boy. We are very proud of him :)
December 6, 2017...This year never going to end with bad news...NorthernPaws Beatrix "Laila"crossed the Rainbow
bridge today. We receive email from her owner..."It is with great sadness that I have to tell you that Laila was put to sleep this
morning. She had seizures on Sunday and again today. No vision, bowel and bladder loss. " Unfortunatelly cost of the seizures
was never determinated. We are very sorry and heartbroken we lost this pretty girl. R.I.P. Beatrix and run free with our Ben.