All copyright © NorthernPaws and HK Photo
Halloween Costum Contest
October 27, 2018
I would like to thank you everybody for coming over, dress up yourselfs and your mastiffs and spend fun afternoon with us. Was awesome to watch how all the dogs
playing together and having fun. Very interresting was how Agata (mom of almost all the dogs) still making sure the little pups wont get hurt by the big ones...very
protective still today:). I hope everybody had fun even though weather was not the greatest. Pot Luck was very nice, start of with Rainey awesome cokies and when
everyone was getting a bit colder finish with Rob's & Katelyn hot meat balls with cheese. Thanks to everybody for bringing very tasty dishes:). And who was here...
lets start from mom to almost all of course our Agata MastineuM Vengo Veridas and George (live with Harriet) & Julia (live with Attila) and of course we canot
forget about only one NON Mastiff dog in the group...our berner Dino...she have to be everywhere and she probably think Agata is her mom anyway:)
litter "S" (Brody & Agata)
NorthernPaws Sherlock Fennel
NorthernPaws Sienna Maggie
NorthernPaws Steffi Emilly
NorthernPaws Sasha
litter "B" (Koodo & Agata)
NorthernPaws Fantastic Beast
NorthernPaws Bentley Attila
litter "H" (Koodo & Agata)
NorthernPaws Hugo Sherman
NorthernPaws Harriet
NorthernPaws Heidi
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More Pictures still coming...